
CK Blog

Welcome to the blog page of Creative Kinesiology.

Here you will find posts written by Carrie Jost, Founder of CK as well as posts from ChaNan Bonser and Sarah-Jayne Hayden-Binder, (the joint Heads of Creative Kinesiology School)

We all look forward to sharing a wide range of posts, if you like what you read, please feel free to share as well as to follow the page. Thank you!

Archive for September, 2021

The Magic of Touch

It has been a long time since I saw clients in person – as well as friends and loved ones too!!
We have all been locked down and unable to move among others freely – it has been hard.
Now I am seeing clients face to face, person to person. It is wonderful and has helped me to understand why it matters so much.
Now, working online has been good – and still is. Thank heavens for the wonders of the internet! Clients have learned to hold their own acupressure points and rub others. As I do this with them I get a strong sense of what is releasing and changing. Distance healing does really work (as many studies show).
Then it came to working directly on the body again – what a joy it is to have this way of connecting and creating rapport with my clients. Once the body is involved we communicate not just with words, but with an embodied sense of helping the person to find the problem and the ways of releasing it. As I sense the aches and pains, lightness and heaviness as well as tight spots and free spots and the change that comes as we release any old tensions I can celebrate with my client.
It reminds me of a fascinating discovery – about the hormone oxytocin. It is one of the hormones that allows us to relax, trust and build relationships. Oxytocin is released when we hug. The area between the shoulder blades seems to be particularly receptive to hugs and the release of oxytocin. Try this with your nearest and dearest and see what happens. But I do experience that all manner of giving and loving touch does the same. What a relief that we are now out of lockdown and able to give and receive hugs again.
As we touch our clients we are giving to them, they take in what they need from the touch. Tension releases and relaxation is profound. We are meeting them body and soul. Magic indeed!

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SY25 6PY

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British Complementary Medicine Association

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