
 CPD Workshops

We believe that ongoing development is a crucial part of being a successful practitioner and so this is a requirement for all members of the Creative Kinesiology Association. Our aim is that after their professional training our practitioners feel supported and part of a thriving community.

Several of our CPD courses are open both to kinesiologists and practitioners of other therapies and the caring professions. We welcome participants from other fields - their involvement brings fresh perspectives and much broader learning when we share our skills and experience.

Our range of CPD courses

The information below will give you a taste of the CPD offerings we bring to our members and beyond during the year. Take a look at our Course Calendar for workshops that are confirmed and taking bookings, or contact the tutors directly to express your interest in any workshops you'd like to join which don't currently have firm dates planned.

Transvibrational Healing; Sound Therapy - Healing with Tuning Forks

Open to:

  • TT1 - General public
  • TT2 - Anyone able to muscle-test or dowse

Sound therapy: One of the most effective forms of healing for our future

Sound therapy has long been known to be a powerful source of healing and is recognised as being an extremely efficient healing modality both at the physical and metaphysical levels. The vibration of sound encourages healing to the body’s energy systems of the aura, chakras and meridians. These hands-on workshops offer you a friendly and fun environment as you learn. They are highly recommended for kinesiologists and others that are interested in sound as a healing modality.

  • TT workshops are 15 hours CPD
  • Trainers are Karen Way ACKPR and  Terry Shubrooke CKRP

To find out more and to express an interest in these courses, if there isn't one currently scheduled below, please contact: Karen Way

The Extraordinary Ancestral Meridians

Open to:

  • Professional Kinesiologists
  • Anyone able to muscle-test or dowse, and hold another person in a "session"

The Extra-ordinary or Ancestral meridians

They are a unique way to work with the energy that we bring into life,  our "Jing". This is made up of Ancestral and Spiritual and flows through our ancestral meridians and into the 12 "ordinary" meridians.
They provide a reservoir of energy and hold our blueprint, our DNA, our curriculum of life  that we inherit through our ancestry.

Through this deep dive, we open the offerings of these meridians, together with ways of understanding how our epigenetic/inherited trauma impacts our lives, and how to clear it from our systems and that of your clients.

Some of what you learn:

  • how to use Ancestral Meridians to clear trauma, inherited and personal, as well as inherited patterns from our body, and our DNA.
  • discover how the blockages impact our own maps and our potential within our DNA
  • more about each meridian, what it holds for us, and how the meridian maps into the 12 meridian system
  • Specific themes, muscles and affirmations for each meridian
  • how the Ancestral Meridians map to our Inner Body Temple
  • and so much more...

What previous participants say...

"The course was for me just what it said on the label - 'a deep dive' into these eight extraordinary and mysterious meridians.  I've done quite a bit of work with them already, so was looking to expand my knowledge and to find some healing for myself.  That is exactly what I got, and much more; the way the manual was presented also helped to make more sense of some of things I had previously learned, fantastic visual information as well, a clear layout and protocol have allowed me to process my learning in a more organised way, and soothe some of the chaos I had been feeling."  Biddy Mayo, Devon, May 22

Contact ChaNan Bonser or have a look at our calendar


Join one of our CPD courses

Depending on their content, these workshops and courses may be open to the general public, to kinesiologists of any modality, or may be specific to practitioners trained in Creative Kinesiology - please check the details of the individual course or workshop to ensure you have the right background (or practitioner status) to join.

Take a look at the list of upcoming courses below or browse through our Events and Courses Calendar to find the right CPD for you.

There are no upcoming events.

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Creative Kinesiology School Ltd
SY25 6PY

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The CK School is a member of the
British Complementary Medicine Association

© 2020 Creative Kinesiology School