
This Core Subject training provides you with a basic understanding of the importance of nutrition and healthy eating to the body, mind and emotions as a whole system.
It intends to help you to be the best practitioner you can be, and acts as background to your whole practice. You will be able to weave the knowledge you gain from this learning into your sessions, giving you extra clarity and effectiveness.
Prior learning
If you already hold a certificate in nutrition that you would like to be considered for your registered practitioner status please contact your trainer or mentor directly, or refer to the Kinesiology Federation to ensure it is approved. Equally, if you have studied nutrition within another discipline, please get in touch with us about this.
Courses from we recommend
'Five Element Nutrition for Kinesiologists' run by Carol Lee
This course is run online from Spring 2019, as well as annually face-to-face for small groups from 2020. It is based on nutrition in relation to the Five Elements.
For details of the online course see Carol's website:
The face-to-face course takes place in Mid Devon.
For further details please contact course tutor Carol Lee
Other nutrition courses we recommend
'MCS Nutrition Advisor & Healthy Eating Diploma Course’ run by Mandala Complementary Studies
This is a correspondence/email course which comes with audio files linked to the different learning topics.
For further details see the MCS website
Join a Nutrition course
Any upcoming face-to-face training will be listed below. The online version of the 'Five Element Nutrition for Kinesiologists' does not show in this list as it can be started at any time and completed at your own pace.