
Marketing and Logos

Marketing information

All the content of this website including its design is copyright of the Creative Kinesiology Association - please don't borrow the text or design for your own website or marketing materials.

Feel free, however, to take the ideas and visions that we describe here and rewrite in your own words.

If you refer to 'CK' or the 'CKA' on your website or promotional materials, please make sure they are capitalised as Creative Kinesiology and the Creative Kinesiology Association.


Using the CK logo

While you are a member of the CKA, you are welcome to use our logo in your marketing materials and on your website to illustrate the fact that you are a member of our Association.



When you use our logo, please:

  • ensure that there is plenty of white space around it
  • don't change the typeface/font
  • keep it the same colour


Marketing leaflets

Here is a standard Creative Kinesiology leaflet created by one of our practitioners, Jane Middleton - thank you Jane, for any of us to use if we wish. You can click below to download and there is space to add your own contact details and customise as you want, although changing too much will alter the formatting. It's a Word document. We hope you find it useful - let us know if you do.

CK Leaflet in Word for downloading


Your practitioner profile

Please keep your practitioner profile on this website up-to-date - if you have lost your log-in details or forgotten how to access your profile, contact Judith Hart at

Make sure that anything you write on your profile (and on your website if you have one) fits within the requirements of the Advertising Standards Authority's guidelines:

As a partner organisation of the BCMA, we will need to carry out ad hoc spot checks of our members' websites to ensure they comply with ASA guidelines.


Join us on social media

To raise the profile of individual practitioners and publicise the CKA, it really helps for us all to cross-link and engage with each other online. Why not:

  • Join the CKA members-only Facebook group
  • Like and share the CKA Facebook page - comment on our posts and share them on your own timeline and practitioner page
  • Like, share and engage with other members' individual practitioner Facebook pages
  • Link to the CKA's page on LinkedIn if you have a practitioner profile on there
  • Follow our CKA Twitter feed
  • Watch any videos on our CKA YouTube channel (it's a work in progress!)
  • Promote any CKA events and courses on your social media accounts and in your practitioner newsletter if you have one


Contact Us

Creative Kinesiology School Ltd
SY25 6PY

facebook linkedin twitter youtube

More Info

The CK School is a member of the
British Complementary Medicine Association

© 2020 Creative Kinesiology School