Way of the Tracker

The focus of this professional training course is to learn to work deeply with emotion and develop, at depth, skills of witnessing, listening and supporting someone else through a healing journey of self discovery.
You will embark on your own journey of inner exploration and learn how to use tracking to investigate the story behind emotional, physical, spiritual and nutritional issues, so that stress, dis-ease or trauma held in the body or energy systems can be released and healing can occur.
Way of the Tracker involves you in a personal development journey of self discovery. If you are interested in self-healing and exploring the root causes behind your own symptoms as a way to learn, then you will enjoy this course.
Way of the Tracker Syllabus
Students develop their tracking skills, and learn how to become a professional body detective, using the tool of muscle testing to investigate and access the body’s wisdom and truth. Building on what has been previously learned in the LifeTracking Foundation course, the student is shown a co-creative way of working, as the muscle testing gives both practitioner and client clues about what is happening in the body, as well as in the conscious and unconscious self. In this way, you are able to go deeply into inner wisdom and speak the language of the body to find the answers within.
We cover:
- How to manage a session with help from tracking as the major tool
- How to become an effective practitioner
- Getting going with tracking, including pre-checks to ensure the client is ready for a session (switching, water and hydration) and witnessing checks such as healing capacity, ancestral jing, vital energy, integration points)
- What happens during a session and how to finish the session properly
- The tracking checklist that helps us to prioritise the direction of the session
Witnessing, listening, hearing
These are the fundamentals of good practitioner work. Students learn how to listen deeply to a client’s story, how to ‘hold’ what is heard and how to assist the client in their process of change.
The Five Elements
During this training course we delve deeply into the Five Elements, from the ancient art of Chinese Medicine, as a map including:
- Properties of the Five Elements
- Five Element spiral
- Emotions of the Five Elements
- More on the Five Elements and the associated meridians
- Constitutional factors and the Five Elements
Subtle energies
Identifying subtle energy imbalance is an integral part of our approach to tracking and healing, making use of the ancient as well as the more modern knowledge about the subtle aspects of self.
We study energy flows through the body (Points of Mu) and the energy of the brain with its connection to the collective and the greater unknown (Rainbow Brain).
Specific areas covered are:
- The aura and subtle bodies – Its seven layers and correspondences
- Centring the aura
- The chakras – Points, and relation to the endocrine and meridian systems
- The endocrine system itself – A gateway between the subtle and the physical self
- Rainbow Brain – The chakras, gateways and balancing exercises
- Points of Mu – Test points and gateways
- Miasms – Subtle energy from the past and ways to heal the problems associated with them
These techniques and approaches help to support the spirit of the client – their spiritedness as well as their love of life.
Healing the past
We look in depth at the development of the self – the highs and the lows, what to be grateful for and what is in need of healing. We learn how to discover, through tracking, what may be causes of any problems being faced in this moment of time.
Study of this aspect of the work includes:
- Character structures coming from past experience and how to heal the problems that may stem from these
- Child development and the difficulties that may arise at different stages of growth
- Ancestral healing for any of the ancestral problems that may have been passed to us – whether this is from our blood line or from our spiritual ancestry
- How some of us may be affected by the collective past
- Trauma and deep stress release
- Tracking old fears
- Assimilating gifts from our past and the gratitude that comes with this
We will consider the gifts that we have gained from our past and from our ancestors. Assimilating these can be vital to recovery and wellbeing.
Patterns and cycles
Developing an understanding about the cycles of healing is an important aspect of the work. Issues that we may have looked at in the past may come back to haunt us. Our aim is to reduce the ‘charge’ remaining from any past trauma so we become free of its effect. Moving beyond the pattern and breaking free of the cycle is the aim.
Working at a cellular level
Based on an understanding that our cells respond to our emotions, the environment we find ourselves in, as well as our nutritional intake, we take a deep look at cellular health – the microcosm of our three dimensional selves.
The brain and the way the mind works
The mind is a potent force in life! Developing an understanding of the way the brain itself works and being able to restore balance is a profound way of working. In addition, we can look at the way we undermine ourselves and go through the same old ‘stuff’ and find ways to heal this:
- Brain reintegration and right/left balance
- Drivers and injunctions
- Conflict within the self and psychological reversal
- Eye directions and how to bring balance
- Hidden information and how to get to it (when appropriate)
- Working with affirmations, including over energy and associated affirmations
- The nervous system
- Thought forms and beliefs that are no longer useful to us
- Working with the will – The will to change is important in this work
Medicine Wheel teachings
This is a first introduction to the ancient Medicine Wheels from the Americas. They are the fruit of ancient wisdom, gifted by the elders, that can help give us a map of the human condition and clues about healing that is possible from the Wheels themselves.
Favourite healing techniques
These are some of the tried and tested techniques that – when appropriate for the client – can move energy and bring the help and healing sought.
Various techniques from ancient Chinese medicine, used with acupressure:
- Associated effect points
- Dragon points
- Windows of the sky
- Entry and exit points
- Input of energy and output
- Source points
Other healing techniques:
- Reducing reactivity – physically, emotionally and mentally
- Receiving energy and the points that help with this
- Breathing techniques, including sounding, diaphragmatic breathing and abdominal breathing
- Cranial stress release
- Working with vibrational remedies and essences
- Karmic dumps and releasing them
- Nutrition and biochemistry
- Polarity work to bring balance
- Temporal tapping
- Zone reflexes
- Water and ensuring water balance in the system
As we progress through life we may find that the ‘old’ self no longer meets our present life in a satisfying or fulfilling way. We may decide to change our outer circumstances, but we may also need to change our inner self in some way. Creative Kinesiology can assist in this process. Change is rarely comfortable and may not be easy.
Getting help is not a sign of failure or weakness – it is what we may need at some point in our life to enable change – to help us move through the next gateway into a new state of being.
Students of Creative Kinesiology’s Way of the Tracker course discover that this way of working shows them how to support their clients to make changes and to journey with them through this process.
Find out more
Each tutored course is 20 days in length, and can be presented in a variety of different formats, such as:
- five modules of 4 days spread throughout the year
- more intensively to suit travellers from afar eg three modules of 6 to 8 days
- a full continuous journey of 20 days
- equally, the course may be taught at weekends or single days to suit working people or parents with children
The teaching of this type of professional course involves plenty of group work as well as work in pairs. You will learn by addressing the live symptoms and issues that you and the other group members bring. Although there is a set syllabus to cover, there are no mapped out modules – instead the agenda is facilitated by the trainer according to the needs of the group. In this way, students learn how to follow the energy flow of a session and allow it to unfold, which is one of the fundamentals to professional practice.
Home study for this course is made up of:
- Personal journey of individual sessions
- 40 case studies
- Book review
- Self-reflective journal
- Home research
- Creative presentation
- Background reading
- Questionnaire
There is ongoing assessment throughout this training course, from self, peers, trainer and assessor. Assessment and feedback will be focussed on:
- General communication skills, including use of social media/email/text
- Interaction with other members of the group
- Potential for respect, warmth and compassion in interpersonal relationships
- Understanding of the concept of personal process
- Ability to be present for another’s personal process
- Meeting and honouring of a client within a session
- Holding of a session/non-judgemental space
- Witnessing and listening skills
- Awareness and sensitivity within a session
- Kinesiology skills and techniques
- Peer practice sessions
- Case study write ups
- Self-reflection and self-reflective practice
- Developmental maturity and stability
- Commitment to own personal journey of growth and development
- Receiving and working with constructive feedback
There will be lots of training time given to the above subjects as well as plenty of opportunity for discussion on any of these points as they arise. Discussion, questions and enquiry are all encouraged both from the group as a whole, and from individual trainees.
At the end of the course you will be required to take a practical assessment in order to demonstrate what you have learned and to show that you are competent to work with the general public. Rather than a test or exam, this is seen as a rite of passage marking the important step of becoming a professional practitioner able to work in private practice.
Additional costs include personal sessions and assessment fees.
Please see the specific information for each professional training course in our Course Calendar for full details of your investment.
A foundation course in kinesiology will allow you to embark on any of our professional courses.
If you are wishing to participate in Way of the Tracker, we recommend our own LifeTracking Foundation course which will teach you basic skills in body-tracking.
Touch for Health and other kinesiology foundation courses are also welcomed, however, you will need to undertake a short bridging course to learn the skills of body-tracking which are fundamental to this professional training. Please discuss this with directly with the course trainer.
Take a look at our list of upcoming courses at the bottom of this page or in our Events and Courses Calendar. If you are interested in one of the courses listed, please contact the teacher directly for more information about course application.
After successful completion of Way of the Tracker, plus a practical assessment, you will have achieved the status of an Assessed Practitioner who is working towards full professional practitioner status.
Although you are not yet fully professional, upon joining a professional body – we recommend either the Kinesiology Federation or the BCMA, your certificate means you can get insurance and may work with the general public under the guidance of a Mentor. This means you can set up in private practice and start charging for your sessions.
Over the next three years after completing this course we recommend completing Part Two of the professional training, working towards becoming a fully professional Registered Practitioner. This also involves completing courses in four Core Subjects, 200 clinical practice sessions, plus mentoring and personal sessions.
Core Subjects are:
Note: If you already have a certificate in any of the subjects above (or a significant amount of experience in a subject) then, as long as the requirements are fulfilled, you may not be required to complete that core subject. This can be discussed with your course tutor.
Join a Way of the Tracker course
Combined Professional Training in Creative Kinesiology
November 14 - November 16 at Venue tbc (to be confirmed)